'He took the bullets for her': Dad grieves after California mass shooting – Another plea for revenge by the anti-gun media? ?

This article certainly isn’t meant to instill public compassion for the father, immediate family and friends. Now, days after the incident, that has already been accomplished. This article was ‘crafted’ specifically to instill public hatred for people supporting the 2nd Amendment. It goes the extra mile to take the father’s words of heartbreak to imply the 9-year-old boy used his body to shield his mother in order to inflict as much emotional pain on the public as possible. And hatred for the people owning guns.

Why doesn’t the public ever hear of the immense joy, relief and thankfulness of a parent whose child’s live was saved by the use of a firearm to stop a criminal from completing such a heinous act? The emotions are equally intense, just on the opposite end of the life vs. death emotional spectrum. Why doesn’t the press ever paint that picture … because it happens, likely as often as shootings resulting in death. The people involved will celebrate every single moment of the rest of their lives granted by appropriate use of firearms. Why is that a story the anti-gun lobby doesn’t want the public to hear? Why is the flip-side of the coin never published?
If you had a chance to save a child’s life, your child’s life, by using a firearm, wouldn’t you do it? And, thank God you had that option? Think about that the next time you instinctively take a dislike to someone who is pro-gun. What has convinced you of the righteousness of preventing saving lives by use of firearms?


Article: https://currently.att.yahoo.com/news/took-bullets-her-dad-grieves-214259283.html 


@Anonymous - You underestimate the consequences of cancel-culture antagonists like yourself. Hubris is a helluva drug.


Favorite Answer

My BEST FRIEND was murdered by a lunatic with a pistol. The pistol didn't murder my friend, the lunatic did. I was, and still am, heartbroken over the loss of my friend, but I would never ask anyone to surrender their 2nd amendment right.

Gun ownership didn't kill my friend. A cowardly bastard who was jealous of my friend did that all on his own.


Gun laws make it easy for idiots to kill


Bullsh|t propaganda like yours is what's shutting this site down. 
You only have yourself to blame.