Now some in Portland, Or. are claiming Evergreen Trees are racist. Liberals, according to you, just what ISN"T racist? ?


Anon e mouse. You are right that when someone does not have anything they start making things up and your responses are a prime example of what you are talking about. As a typical liberal, after you make things up when you have nothing, you turn to name calling and weak attempts at insults. I have been insulted by some who are very good at it and you do not even come close now put your binky down and go back to sleep in mommy's basement.


Guess you'll have to wait on Trump's site to post this kind of bs from now on. You can now post among others who believe along the same lines as your bs just smarter than you and then you can really see how stupid and lame your comments are. 


What isn't racist is liberalism. I wish you were smarter.


what's next to be racist, SMOKE?


When you have nothing, I guess you start making stupid sh|t up like this. 🙄


They will never stop until someone puts this to an end.

Come on not everything is racist - band-aids not racist. .