Off Topic; How Has Yahoo! Answers Help Your Life?

I'm doing a quick archive of it all (Just basic pages) and I was wondering for you all, what, if anything, has changed your life after being here? Was it some advice? A loss of braincells? Did you make a friend? Did your own advice giving improve? What are some stories of of this place that should be known before its brought offline? 
Upvote this, I want to get as many peoples stories on here!!! With love


Favorite Answer

Great question.  I'm going to miss YA in a big way.  I really enjoy helping others and each time I do, I learn a something about myself.  When we give, we receive.  

I didn't make any friends over the years, but I met some that think the same way I do and that meant a lot to me.I got better with giving advice over time.  It's like anything else in life - the more you do it, the better you get at it.  I also learned a lot from the advice others had given on  questions I was replying to.

I believe my advice helped others and made their lives a bit easier.  That's all that mattered to me.

Take care Taquill.