How do you know if you have covid but are mostly A-symptomatic?

 I have a tiny barely notable cough, (like I coughed 6 or 7 times this week) but no other symptoms. What are the chances I have covid? vs allergies from staying in the house too much?


Without getting tested obviously. I dont want to get force quarantined for a few weeks if I have it 


I never said I wouldn't self isolate. I said I dont want to be quarantined. You know, like put in a cell or cubical 24/7? 

I can stay at home all day. It's what Ive been doing this entire last year. 

Ted K2021-04-06T15:24:15Z

Quit whining and get tested--that's the only way to know.  If you're staying at home anyway, what the hell does it matter if you "have to" stay home because of COVID?  Two more weeks after a full year?  What's the problem?


Without testing, there is no way to know whether or not you have Covid. 
Would you rather risk giving someone a serious infection if you don't isolate yourself? If so, you are a rather selfish and uncaring individual.

Also, staying inside the house too much doesn't cause allergies. 


Added: You aren't going to be put into a cell or cubicle if you test positive. No one is going to come to your house and take you away. To isolate or to quarantine just mean to stay at home and to stay away from others in your home so that you do not expose anyone you live with to the virus.


You go and get tested.