Will i get sick and how long will be before i get sick?

accidentally drunk expired chobani greek yogurt. It was a shake. I hardly eat yogurt and it was sour. But i thought it was normal untill i seen the expired date January 15 2021 today is April 5 2021. Now can i get sick from it and how long will it take. My mother said she forgot that was in there. I threw the others out


Yogurt is like spoiled milk anyway. I doubt it will bother you any.


Um, Yogurt IS expired milk. Stop taking 'Expiration Dates' seriously. All that date means is that the store can no longer sell it as fresh. 


OMG!!! Stop being an idiot!!! Yoghurt IS spoiled milk to start with!!! Stop reading those fking 'best by' dates! They are NOT expiration dates. The yogurt was fine, your fine, be fking thankful you had food to put in your belly. Millions don't.

Mr. Smartypants2021-04-05T23:00:56Z

Oh fer crissake.  Yogurt is rotten when you buy it!

If it didn't have black spots all over the top, and it smelled and tasted okay, it was fine.  Lots of things you buy last longer than the warranty period.