If we could save Y A&A, how may the following test work out?
Move atheists into their own section to discuss their beliefs. I want to see what they have to discuss. I believe some of the other kind falsely represent as atheists who are argumentative.
Allow each religion to have their own section, and request no arguments just discussion.
Divide up politics into different sections with the same options, under a party title.
Yahoo Q & A. (Correction)
To post in a different section, send a request to comment, where it titles original group.
We have outgrown this format Yahoo--we need more sophisticated platform for public assembly, please.
Qnon, well, if they like inquiry, we will find them in all the separate groups anyhow. In a more constructive platform.
I believe Americans have shown individual preference and have outgrown this platform. More sophisticated organization would allow constructive discussion. And help each group work to retain the preferences in their private lives..
Party titles:
Switch Voter