POLL: What killed Yahoo Answers?

A. Trolls
B. Verizon
C. Administrators
D. People moving to different websites
E. All of the Above


Don’t understand all of these conspiracy theories. YA is a business when all is said and done. If it’s not being used as much as it once was (other platforms etc) and it’s not bringing in advertising revenue then it will close. No political reasons at all and it’s not because of trolling. That’s happened since year dot. It’s a pure and simple business decision. 


All of the above, and then some. 


Wasn't making any money. Do you think they would have shut it down if it was?. 


C. Been here since 2011. People mainly started leaving the site due to poor decisions made by yahoo with running the site. It was dying before version 


Google killed it
Slow Poisonous death 

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