Arabic software - menu on the right side?

I know Arabic words start from right to left. I'd like to ask a question about the software. I noticed that a lot of software associated with Arabic language has all the menus placed on the right...(iOS, Android, Instagram, etc...) Does this apply to EVERY software associated with Arabic language? Or is there any software that uses left sided menus like the ones we normally use in the US?
Pleaseee software geniuses with Arab background... answer my question... Thank you :)


The person below who answered this question. You're the one who's giving me a completely irrelevant/useless answer. I recently started working in the IT industry and have to make sure if Arab users are comfortable using the right-side aligned software. How is this a useless question when I HAVE TO make sure our software runs in an appropriate way?


it is up to the programmer to decide where things are located.
since Arabic is written rtl, it makes more sense for them to put menus on the right.


What a useless question. Who cares? If you don't already know of any counterexamples and know that it's extremely common to do it a certain way, then it's completely irrelevant if a site or app you don't use does it a different (and probably wrong) way.Β 


"I recently started working in the IT industry and have to make sure if Arab users are comfortable using the right-side aligned software. How is this a useless question when I HAVE TO make sure our software runs in an appropriate way?"

Because you π’‚π’π’“π’†π’‚π’…π’š π’Œπ’π’π’˜ that Arabic-reading people are using right-aligned software, and are thus comfortable using it. You said it yourself: "I noticed that a lot of software associated with Arabic language has all the menus placed on the right." You don't 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 a counterexample, except as an excuse not to implement something, or to do it incorrectly. How do you expect to survive the IT industry with such a defective thought process?Β 

"I noticed that a lot of questions asked in English have a question mark at the end. I want to know if this applies to EVERY question ever asked in English, or if they can end in a hamburgerπŸ”"