Do Democrats think Blacks to are too dumb to go on line and request a mail in ballot?  And if every ballot was requested would fraud end?


The only problem with the last election was that 45 didn't get a participation trophy. 45 and his followers remind me of little league championships losers. Crying because they didn't win so the other team must have cheated. We need the rules changed in our favor so we can win. Then when they win. It's not because the new rules favor them and they paid the refs off. It's because they are just better. The way Republicans are thinking at this moment.


Apparently they do think that blacks are to dumb or lazy or whatever to get an ID or driver's license.  Or to request a mail in ballot.  But then, just look at the Democratic party's history of racism and you will see why they believe that.  

While requiring a ballot to be requested rather than just mail to every voter would reduce some fraud, it is unlikely to reduce all mail in vote fraud. 

Elwood Blues2021-04-06T15:26:22Z

In all six states where Trump contested results, mail-in ballots needed to be requested.  Sorry, that dog won't hunt.  Here, amuse yourself reading about Georgia's signature audit:

BTW,  the Georgia hand count of 4.9 million votes DESTROYS the narrative that crooked voting machines were involved.  In most of GA's 159 counties, the hand count matched or differed from the machine count by less than 10.  Yet cons still pretend crooked machines are a valid complaint; are they too stupid to follow the logic?


It would seem so.
What seems obvious to most seems to beyond the wit of the ‘entitled’ and their caretakers.
Keep them needy, keep them angry, keep them voting democrat.
Why do you think they encourage teen baby mamas?
Delivering the next generation of needy, mean, voters.

Fraud is part and parcel of left wing politics, not specific to US, in areas of high immigration with a left leaning tendency (see above) voter postal fraud is not unusual.

Mother Hubbard2021-04-06T15:22:00Z

The entitlements that heal society are too obvious to name.  You like death instead?
Only not letting us vote can help!

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