Why do people insist they are right?

Like you'll say something about your grandma's laundromat where she served beer. Then someone will, with all the essence of their being swear there has never been any beer at any laundromat ever! 

Um, I worked there for 5 years, here's pictures and the Google map location... but they'll still swear it doesn't exist. 

ACANTHOSiS PiNEAPPLE2021-04-06T15:27:14Z

No clue, people are retarded, ......... I've been telling fūckerz that I'm gonna be sick until I have surgery 2 get this sorted out, but then they're like ... Well, why aren't u at work.?? Why are you taking .?????? This guy is Lazy ....... Even after i've presented documentation ........... 

What Do You Not Understand .????????????????????


Our egos frequently overwhelm our intellect.