Can you imagine a world where no harsh word is spoken or harsh act is committed?

Nah, the world outside doesn't exactly look like it. In fact, it is violence and hatred that seems to be on the rise.

Yet, can you at least imagine a world where everyone is kindhearted, compassionate and helpful.

PS: Not mere lip-service as we see a lot today, but genuine kindness and care for the other.

Tublet Huglet2021-04-06T15:43:45Z

There was a world like that on Star Trek. They kept it perfect by executing anyone who made even the most minor misstep- like walking on the grass instead of on the sidewalk. I wish it was like that on my planet. Maybe not as extreme, but I'd execute a LOT of people for a LOT of different types of crimes. I think it would make the world a better place.

Pink Salt2021-04-06T15:37:23Z

On the rise ??  Do you read history or the bible?  The world is pretty much the same maybe even better now