Is 48 paracetamol and 5 quetiapine a big overdose ?


Aj go away 


if youre asking questions like these, get some counseling


Taking a bunch of acetaminophen is what little girls do when they want attention. It will likely just damage your liver and cause a lot of pain. People who really wanna die actually succeed. They don’t play with mommy’s Tylenol. You just keep posting this crap looking for attention and sympathy. It’s pathetic and offensive. I’ve known people who actually killed themselves, and they certainly didn’t play these kinds of games. You just like sympathy, which is obvious from your other posts. You even get mad at your own mental health professionals because they call you an attention seeker. So I’m calling your bluff. SHÎT OR GET OFF THE POT! 


Definitely. Plus if you overdose on paracetamol and don't get medical help quickly your organs shut down one by one and you die in pain. So don't do it, or if you have done so already get to the hospital quickly so you don't die painfully.