What’s wrong with showing an ID to vote?  What’s the big deal?


There is no need for further showing of an ID to vote.  Every body does that now when they register to vote.  That's all that's necessary.  The bogus requirements from righties to show further ID or multiple special IDs to obtain a ballot are merely efforts to make voting more difficult for poorly resourced people.


The same people would climb a mountain to get something for free - but no matter how much you give them, all they can do is b11tch and complain.  Screw 'em.


It is only a big deal when someone throws race into it.  Like people of color is too stupid to get an ID

It isn't a big deal unless you are trying to cheat the system.


Nothing, absolutely nothing.
You have to show ID for all kinds of things, but our "liberal" friends consider voting to be so minor that showing ID for it makes it not worth the trouble. Or some such chit – never COULD figure out what goes on in the minds of "liberals"!!!  lol


ok.. provide FREE ID's and stop having long lineups in black neighbourhoods

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