Do you agree with my landlord?

My landlord says he is a Trump Christian and he requires all tenants to use cable service through the office that cannot have any adult content and we must also use internet service they provide through the office (and must pay $100/month for and it's slow) and they filter out any websites that are adult or critical of Donald Trump.  I feel like I'm living in a prison here.


No, I can't, dumb a ss.  I clearly said he requires us to use his internet.


I absolutely agree with him.  It is his building, his rules.  If you don't want to live by them, then don't rent there.  Some landlords prefer to hold all of the utility accounts and include it with the rent - no different.  You either want to live there or you don't.  If you do, you follow the policies & rules.  If you don't, don't fret over it. 


There is nothing illegal with not allowing another internet provider to put holes in his property's walls.  It's very common for apartment complexes to manage cable and internet. Blocking of content is his choice and one that should have been disclosed to you prior to signing a contract.  

Of course, the rules may be different in the Trollville Apartment Complex you live in.


I guess that's irregular. Indeed, are they allowed to offer you such services? Isn't subletting Internet/cable connection illegal? I think it is. 


You are free to go elsewhere.  I would love to pay that little for cable.  You can always watch your stuff on your phone.

I don't understand why you feel like a prisoner. You know you can get your own wifi to.
So I think you are missing the point


I agree with your landlord. If he was real. That was a dumb post. I feel like I'm living in a prison here.

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