My best friend said this out of nowhere, what should I do?

I really like the guy, we made out about three days before this and he recently changed his sexuality from gay to unlabeled. I’ve been getting mixed signals and I don’t know how to feel. We were reallt close so i dont understand it (I’ll post more ss)


3/4 “Im gonna be honest I feel like we shouldn’t be friends anymore, I think that we are just gonna over time going to keep moving away from each other and it’s going to hurt more then a few days of being really upset. I feel like we are gonna keep growing apart because I’m moving to more punk and loud music making me being drawn to other friend groups and you kinda grunge moving to those groups. I feel like we aren’t gonna mix in the future and we should just stop talking before it hurts more.


Update pt 2 4/4 “I honestly don’t think we should, I think we went way too far in and that kind of relationship is one where you keep forever which for us I dont think will happen, or sooner or later just stop being friends before it goes any farther, I’m really sorry.”


He’s mentioned that he has had “dreams” ab me oftentimes and sometime he would ask if he were to ask me out would I say yes and I just froze up (idk if that helps at all 


I have to wonder why people feel the need to advertise and announce their sexuality.  So frigging strange.


Been there, done that.  Me and a woman I worked with, and would play disc golf with, did something like you and your friend.  One day, after a round of disc golf, things heated up.  She wasn't someone I wanted to date, it was more like we both got worked up and things happened.  Basically, we used each other.

I was afraid that she wanted to start a relationship, so the next day I sent her a similar email telling her that I wasn't ready for a relationship. She understood.

She since quit and went to work somewhere else, but we still talk online a lot.