How to handle this request for chipping in on a birthday gift?

Someone at my book club sent out a group Facebook message to members saying: "I've purchased a sweater for the book club president for her birthday.  Anyone interested in chipping in,  LMK.  There will also be a birthday card to be presented to her along with the gift."  The message was sent on Friday and I didn't see it til after the weekend.  The gift buyer then wrote in another group FB message:  "8 ppl expressed interest in chipping in on the gift.  So those ppl should venmo me $10."  My question:  I would have liked to have chipped in for the gift and to have signed the birthday card.  But I didn't find out about it in time.  How might I handle it?


i would chip in if you want to


Give your own gift and card since you read the email late.
Or email the person and say I just saw this message is it too late to join in. Just me, personally. If this is a group gift then they buyer should not have purchase a gift first. They buy a gift they want to buy, then ask others to give them money for it. No thanks. 

Pat Wooden2021-04-07T15:38:15Z

Since they used the term "anyone interested" they realize that some people may not be interested.  Be honest, and tell the person how you feel.


Tell her you didn't see the email and if possible, can you contribute to the gift.


If the birthday wasn't actually over the weekend it might not be too late. Surely the obvious thing is to get in touch NOW and say, "Sorry I didn't see this till now. Please tell me how I can contribute if it's not too late".