Why does Kamala Harris is always hanging out at the top of the stairs when she's visiting the White House?


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Probably waiting to trip Biden when the orders come down from Pelosi.


She wants a birds eye view of when quid pro quo braindead Joe SEVERELY injures himself and then she ascends to her LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK party promised "throne" of POTUS!!! All because the demoCROOK party used MODERATE quid pro quo braindead Joe as a Trojan horse candidate to win to the older moderate demoCROOK voters and Kamaltoe to lure in the young and naive HARD left progressive voters so later they can EASILY remove moderate Biden and "install" EXTREME HARD left progressive and 100% PARTY loyal Kamaltoe as POTUS when they feel the time and Joe's deterioration is PERFECT to remove him and the PARTY will have FULL control of the executive AND the legislative branches of our government THEN they'll "expand" the SCOTUS with a MINIMUM of 4 HARD left progressive and 100% PARTY loyal justices then they'll have FULL control of our ENTIRE government and NOBODY and NO PARTY can stop them!


she's black n Indian n hindu... ewww... n unqualified to be vp


So she can watch Biden fall down and then giggle at him.


She's waiting for opportunity to trip up Biden when he goes down the stairs.