Kamaltoe Hairyass is most likely capturing it all on video so after they're BOTH removed from office on corruption, collusion, quid pro quo and personally profiting from they're positions she can sell the compilation on youtube to support herself seeing as Willy Brown isn't in any political position to help her career anymore AND requires Viagra or other ED meds to be able to "rise to the occasion" anymore like how she advanced her early political career by "being under, on top of or kneeling and knob bobbing on" Willy Brown! Kamaltoe is nothing but a "spunk dumpster" of the lifetime career political establishment!!!!
Does your mother know that you are on the internet?
When the cameras are off, she actually pushes the idiot down the stairs.
She doesn't need to wait. :-)
Benny Fitz
No, she only giggles after he's fallen down the stairs.