Should I feel obliged to buy my friend Skechers for Xmas?

We were discussing how our weeks went.  I mentioned that some Skechers (trendy runners); that I’d ordered my boyfriend and my best friend for Xmas had just arrived today.  He then hinted that he’d like me to buy him a pair, too.  These Skechers are a special treat for two special men in my life, who can’t afford Skechers.  I only just managed to afford them on afterpay.  I’m only slightly better off than they are.  This friend is always talking about how wealthy he is, yet he’s very stingy and never puts in for anything or buys gifts for anyone.  He knows I’m poor.  Is it okay for me not to buy him Skechers, since I can only just afford the other two pairs and he never gives me anything?


Favorite Answer

You do not have to buy anything for anyone else at all if you cannot afford to do that or if you don't wish to do that.  I suggest that you behave as if he never said that and only ever refer to it again if he brings up the subject again. If he does do that just say that those purchases were for two very special people and that as he has no money worries he can afford his own Skechers anyway.  You could even add, "I'm amazed that you don't own any already, since you are so wealthy!"


I think that you need to look at his history of buying you gifts in order to arrive at your decision. For instance, if he has previously bought your really expensive presents in the past and went to a lot of effort then I would consider it. However, if he is the type who is always asking for presents and never gets you anything then I would not bother with him. From the sounds of things he seems to be asking for these shoes out of jealousy. I would be willing to bet that if you were not getting your friends the shoes then he would not be asking for them. In any case, why can he not just buy a pair for himself given that he is wealthy? Whatever you decide, you should know that you should never feel bound to get someone a gift; it is a moral obligation more than anything. Good luck and I hope this helps :)