What's up with this well-known Trump cultist calling everyone "gurl"?  What's he going for here?

This is only a few months' worth & it's beyond 100 mentions.


lol @Donnie do you really want to claim some sort of victory on this?  that someone was bafflingly nonsensical to the point that I asked about it?


Favorite Answer

Old Ed, he spent over 10 years on this forum, now he's off to oblivion when they shut the place down. He plans on cashing in his points for a cup of Peat moss at Home Depot and then reintroduces himself to his family that he hasn't spoken to in 10 years


Eddie has a few issues. But if you send him ten dollars to spend in the canteen at the asylum, he'll make you a very nice wallet in his leather crafts class.


Ed Winter is such a fairy he makes Freddy Mercury and Elton John sound hetero.


To get in your head. It obviously worked. 


I miss the twins...