Why is Matt Gaetz considered a pedo just because he boinked a 17 year old girl?


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The irony is that many conservatives call Biden "pedo Joe," when in fact it is their own conservative politicians being investigated for sex crimes with minors. People like Trump, Roy Moore, and now Matt Gaetz.
"Accuse others of your own crimes" is the GOP motto.


Allegedly boinked her. The info was provided by an unnamed "news source" that started the "investigation". People are simply too stupid to get that pedophiles are exclusively attracted to prepubescent children. The ignorantly confuse pedophilia with "sex with a minor." In several states, the age of consent is 16, so would the ignorant fools call that pedophilia too?


The guy is a nasty bucket of poo.

But that doesn't change the fact that most people do not know the actual definition of pedophile.  


You were there?


Maybe because that's the precise definition of the word?

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