Is it possible that the United States is a Dystopian Society and we don't know it?


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Oh yes! For example we are now losing our Yahoo Answers after 16 years one of the last (the last?) major open forum/ free info exchanges on the Net. Even Village Voice and NYT has picked up on that (but how long are they to last?).
Then you have all the overkill police shootings of 2019/20. The summer riots of 2020, the sacking of the US Capitol (Jan)...for sure pretty dystopian.
But it's true many have known this and warned for years of....getting everyone addicted/dependent on their computers/ cells for 'everything in life' make them pay$ through the nose for it, and then just control/own the computer system (which is already done by Microsoft/ Bill Gates and as little as 12-100 other people).
Freedom? Get everyone at same time to take their iphones/ Samsungs/Androids and drop them in the nearest bucket of water. Insist all go back to human contact between millions of actors/owners and then a constitutional amendment banning any internet control.


I think it is safe to say that non-wealthy, one income households have a much harder life than people in other First World nations.


What  do you mean 'we don't know it'?  EVERY ONE OF US outside the US knows it.