Will Matt Gaetz become his 17yr old girlfriend's legal guardian so they can live together just like Ted Nugent did with his gf?

Jeff S2021-04-07T15:07:29Z

Actually Matt should have sought out Teddy's advice from the start.


Yep same with John Dingell  he married Debbie only a 27 year difference.

That's must be normal in congress


Why would he bother?  He certainly didn't do that with his "son" Nestor, who lived with Gaetz from the time he was 12.  Back then, Nestor was Gaetz's "poolboy/helper".  right.....

The Other One2021-04-07T15:02:36Z

Surely she's 18 by now.


Of course. No conservative value is more venerated than sexual relations with a teenager.