Do righties know that the 1st Amendment protects you against Gov't overreach and not a private company enforcing its own policies?


Well of course they do. Are you just now finding that out?


No that's you libtards excusing communism and taking away people freedoms by corporate neo liberals. 


yes..... did you know tax breaks are given to companies in return for policies and actions that help the state and local economy?

oh wait.... you're one of the kids who call tax breaks "stealing from the poor to give to the rich"..... aren't you?

why such a big fan now?


I doubt it, or that "Amendment" means "a change or addition", that it wasn't in the original Constitution, and that somehow it DOES enforce private companies, and that somehow it means "I can do or say anything, anywhere, and don't have to deal with the consequences".


The collusion of tech companies is a violation of Sherman anti-trust laws. It's akin to privatizing all roads, and banning all conservatives from using those roads. It's also a form of discrimination, which is illegal. Banning people for their political views is like banning them for their race or creed. Therefore, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, and Twitter are in violation of civil rights laws.