Why does everyone on social media brag about being vaccinated now?


I don't do social media much but I think it's great there are "bragging rights" attached to acting to protect others, to protect our nation. Do you understand that NOT having herd immunity presents a national security risk? Be a REAL American; do your part and get vaccinated. 


It a point of pride being pushed by the media and some of our politicians. It's part of the behavioral control/influnace and such being pushed. Not that there is anything wrong with it mind you.

Christian Sinner2021-04-07T15:58:17Z

Everyone hasn't that I am aware of. Does everyone mean everyone to you?


Most people on social media have no other life.

Wage Slave2021-04-07T15:54:49Z

Best way to end the pandemic is to get vaccinated.

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