Why does China dictator Xi want to be a dictator?For a politician,being a democratically elected president by people is a proud thing.Right?


The National People's Congress is a notorious rubber stamp  or puppet , which means its boss is exactly dictator Xi.  Like dictator Xi ,  North Korea dictator Kim is also " elected " by  its rubber stamp. 


It is a well known fact that China's dictatorship is not chosen by its people, instead imposed on the Chinese people by dictator xi, which looks no further than that millions of HK protesters risk their lives wanting nothing more than true democracy that they deserve, but which is being crushed by tyrannic dictator Xi.


Favorite Answer

The president is elected by the National People's Congress. The term limits were removed in 2018 by the NPC. 


Sorry, did you not get the memo?

Getting democratically elected would be great but sadly the people are not clever enough to get it right. We who must be obeyed are the only ones who know what is best.

Remember, if voting made a difference, they would not let you do it!