Starting to wonder if I shouldn't just do it. I don't see much of a future for me. Thoughts (read below)?
I have court tomorrow. Mediation to see if I should go to jail for the heinous crime of picking up a knife out of the silverware drawer and showing it to a guy who was threatening me in my own home.
The thing is, these last few weeks, my body has suddenly started going through hell. Severe joint pain and stiffness, moving from joint to joint, eventually leaving me pretty damn close to immobile.
It's a safe guess I have rheumatoid arthritis, but we need to do labs and schedule me with a rheumatologist to be sure. But if I go to jail tomorrow, that won't happen. I'll be without my little bottle of hydrocodone, and I'll be immobilized with pain. Again. But this time in a cell where they refuse to help me.
Should I just OD on insulin and die on my own terms?