What is so racist about providing an ID at the Voter polls? ?

You have to show an ID to pick up a Movie ticket


Georgia state ID

ID card issued by US Government or any other state

Free Georgia Voter ID

US Passport

Military ID

Employee ID issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the United States Federal Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or any other entity of this state

Tribal ID

Student photo ID cards are accepted from some public colleges, universities, and technical colleges.

How Hard can it be?


ANON: the show me ONE racist part of the law


Favorite Answer

There is nothing racist about it.  Only white Democrats cry about that while the actual minorities seem to believe its a good idea.  Democrats want to decide what minorities believe as if they had no mind of their own.  There is absolutely nothing racist about GA laws.  Check out Delaware if you want to see some prohibitive laws on voting.  Delaware is Biden's state.


There should not be anything racist about having an ID for things.
Now make it easy for the poor, the elderly, and the disenfranchised to get one.  


That's not the only law they passed. there's 340 new voter suppression laws. 


It was made just to be a stumbling block to keep the lower classes from voting Democratic.  They know it is hard for many of those voters to find a way to obtain an ID.