If someone opposes democracy, literally hates it, then what philosophy of govt do they embrace, if its not representative of people govt.?

I do not know about you but when someone says woah......we aint no democracy, that is a terrible thing, that kind of raises a red flag, because democracy is in the civilized world considered the model to emulate that serves all the best.  So if someone is against it, what are they for if not govt. serving the will of the people and representing the people and functioning with the highest ideals of freedom?


There are only 2 kinds of democracies. 1) A pure democracy, one there are pretty no elections and no representatives, which pretty much has hardly ever existed, except perhaps in ancient times in some small villages, and 2) What every educated person understands it to be... one where there are elections, leaders are put in office at the executive level and legislature level who then represent the population.  Commenter number seems to have invented at third kind from his own active imagination.


Depends on what kind of a democracy you are speaking of the anarchy of everybody from everywhere in a boiling pot of insanity or one with limits on power and works for it's own citizens from within it's own boundaries to make their lives better by opening the doors of opportunity to them...



Dictatorship? A republic run by senators?