Will there ever be another virus with the same magical qualities as last year's corona virus?

Think about it.  One second it is so dangerous that anyone caught without a magic mask on an airplane is forced to leave and risks arrest.  Mere moments later, that same group of people are allowed to de-mask to eat and drink the sustenance handed out by the same enforcement officer/flight attendant. Magic, right?

Or, last summer it was determined that any republican outdoor gathering was a super-spreader event, but any similar gathering of liberals shouting at the top of their lungs was actively ignored by Fauci and his Fauci-ites.

There is even magic that happens by age group.  For children, who we all know are SOOOO great about cleanliness and not sharing diseases (yes, I have raised children and sent them to public school) the safe distance is 3 feet.  So, for adults who are generally better about not sharing snot, the safe distance is 6 feet.  But for children, who are generally nasty little snot-monsters, the distance is 3 feet.  Stand a bunch of 6 year old kids three feet apart and just stand back and watch what happens. Give it about 30 seconds and see if anyone gets their space invaded. 


I almost forgot about the nationality magic.  People who live in the US MUST WEAR MASKS AND SOCIAL DISTANCE.  But people from south of the border with what looks like a 15% infection rate are allowed to travel on busses and move about the country freely.  Magic, right?


So feminist, you are saying that magic viruses come around every century?  Really?


I'm sure there will be.

Bada Bing2021-04-07T16:51:59Z

Let's hope not.  The stupidity of mostly Republicans have turned what would have been at worst tens of thousands of deaths into well over a half million deaths, due to their ignorance.


Yes.  The next time we have a Republican President and bogus impeachment doesn't work a new virus is bound to emerge during a voting year.


Those viruses come around about once a century.  COVID is still currently dangerous.