The Media Tried to Smear Ron DeSantis. It Backfired?

On Sunday, the CBS show 60 Minutes aired a dishonest, convoluted, story about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Everything is dishonest with liberals now.     


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60 minutes otherwise known as the hour long show of liberal bullsh*it. This is the same show caught lying about George Bush and then when caught doing it decided to lie about their lying. lol


It did not backfire, most will not understand that it was all a lie, a smear. They will believe and repeat the story line and nothing will change their minds. That is the current pattern, started under Obama, one outlet/source puts it out there, the others run with it, the first has some minor retraction that no one see's, the lie becomes the truth.


Cbs got caught again, our local news reported this time, more and more people are realizing how corrupt the leftwing media is


I stopped watching those shows and whatever else the corporate media puts out. 

Your Media Lies To You2021-04-07T17:17:38Z

LOL,  it did. And it was awesome.