What other lies did dems tell about Trump and his promises?

He promised a vaccine by December, and we had two.  He promised enough vaccine by April so that anyone who wanted a shot would be able to get one, and sure enough, right on time, Biden announced that is the new policy.  Even his much maligned comments on disinfectant came true.  I was getting a procedure done last week, and I had to swish iodine, a disinfectant, around in my mouth to protect everyone against any last minute c-virus infection.

Without the outrage generated by the dems and their media cohorts, would hiden-Biden have ever stood a chance in the election?


Democrats thrive on uneducated people 


It's a good question. Trump is definitely polarizing. I'd have preferred less Twitter and less emotional responses. However, the media is all about emotionalism and sensationalism and Trump played them fairly well on a consistent basis on their level. The media has basically become propagandists (for both sides) without regard for factual unbiased reporting. I don't think they'll ever recover now that they've been exposed as unreliable and agenda driven. 


People who get their "news" from CNN and NY Times are just getting Biden's negative campaign ads. 


Biden's entire campaign strategy was "I'm not Trump" and hoping the media's crusade against Trump would do the rest of the work.