How come when women speak out against rapists the response is “boys will be boys” but the woman has her whole life ahead of her too?

“Promising young men” can’t be the only ones with futures 🙄


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I haven't heard anyone say "boys will be boys" but I have heard people say things similar to "promising young men that have their whole lives ahead of them" and yeah that's f*cked up. He ruined someones life and he shouldn't have to pay because he has his life ahead of him? Bullsh*t. Brock Turner is just one example. He served 3 months for rape because the judge was worried about the impact a longer sentence would have on his life. What about the impact he had on that womans life? She doesn't matter apparently. 

Dont Call Me Dude2021-04-07T20:18:58Z

In my 65 years on this reactionary-dominated little mudball, orbiting a minor, isolated little "main sequence" class G-2 yellow dwarf star, I've never actually HEARD anybody EVER say "Boys will be boys" except for feminists, and people talking about children being annoyingly active, or  tracking mud into the house.

Could you direct me to an actual example? Preferably something that happened within the last 50 years?

Yah. I didn't think so.


I don't actually hear that being said but what I do hear about are questions about how the victim was dressed, how she acted, why she was out alone late at night, and whether she was drunk.


The saying "boys will be boys" is used when a boy scraps his knee or for roughhousing, not for excusing away rape. lol

Though saying that, I haven't heard anyone use the saying boys will be boys for years. 


"How come when women speak out against rapists the response is “boys will be boys” but the woman has her whole life ahead of her too?"

Never in my life have I seen rapists being excused by any normal, sane person, male or female.  Never.

And the "boys will be boys" phrase is a relic from the 1970's that was about boys roughhousing behaviour with each other.  Not extrapolated to excusing any kind of behaviour that is dangerous or inconsiderate of others .... never mind rapists!

This "question" is just more of feminists taking something from the past and re-branding it as something it never was, in order to  (hopefully) give them a new weapon with which to beat down the status of men and masculinity.  Sad!