Who is Bill?

The premise of Yahoo Answers was simple: ask any question you want and receive solutions from anyone in the world. “[It] likely doesn’t turn a profit … instead of spending the money necessary to moderate they just decided to close the whole thing down,” theorizies a user named Bill, who has penned 11,182 of these answers during his career on the forum. 


Actual quote from online article The Verge.


Wow!! THE "Bill" answered my question. It is the Real Bill. I am honored, sir!!


Favorite Answer

Pretty sure no one here considers troll questions valid questions. Besides that, not moderating a forum always leads to toxic communities, trolling, and general chaos. It's not really surprising that yahoo answers turned out badly. 


Bill is a relic of a dying past who will soon be forgotten.


Self Governance should not need a moderator as in all my years I have never reported anyone of the trolls even though I have been banned like 4 times because I sometimes feed them...

hand full of rocks for glass houses...
