Beating the weaks?

Why did the United States and the Soviet Union never fight each other directly during the 50 years of the Cold War? Does this mean that they feared each other and only poor beaters such as Vietnam and Afghanistan?


Mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and second strike). With the development of aircraft like the American Convair B-36 and the Soviet Tupolev Tu-95, both sides were gaining a greater ability to deliver nuclear weapons into the interior of the opposing country. By the time of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, both the United States and the Soviet Union had developed the capability of launching a nuclear-tipped missile from a submerged submarine, which completed the "third leg" of the nuclear triad weapons strategy necessary to fully implement the MAD doctrine.


Because the US and Soviets could not could possibly fight each other during the Cold War as they both had enough nuclear weapons to destroy the earth and all humans forever 20 times over. Any direct all out war between them and all earth/ humanity would just be a dead rock and dust orbiting between the Moon and Venus.
So, they fought each other through 'proxies' that is agents. They took advantage of already going on wars in backward countries where the US would help 1 side/ the Soviets help the other...see who wins... and count their 'victories' and 'loses' that way. 
Kind of stupid but it blew off steam, and the wars of their agents (whoever they were helping) were already going on anyway (some for a very long time) before the US and Soviets stepped in. After the Soviets/ US stepped in whosevers proxy (agent/ side) won that particular war at least usually meant that war was over for good and there could be peace. 

Sir Caustic2021-04-07T19:11:52Z

"Beating the weaks"?! Can't they close this place any faster?!


indirect conflict over the actions of others and WE both knew it same thing happening now...
