Feminists, do you agree with the White House that paid leave and day care are infrastructure ?

To make a long story short paid leave and free daycare are in the infrastructure bill, but instead of just admitting they have no place in the bill the white house decided to call them infrastructure. 

If mandated worker benefits and free things provided by the government are infrastructure then exactly what isn't infrastructure? 

The destruction of language is infrastructure. Your mom is infrastructure. Guns are infrastructure. Everything is Infrastructure!

Oh and btw, about 6% of the Biden administration 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill goes to Infrastructure. Remember how the last stimulus only about 9% of the bill went to the people? Yeah, using these bills for unrelated parts of the democratic agenda has been going on for a long time now. 


@Gypsyfish: I don't watch Fox news and I doubt you do either. Not like it matters though. In any event, most of the money that went to businesses went to corporations that give money to democrats. Small businesses that actually needed the money were either out of business already thanks to the shutdowns or got very little of the money. 


As for your point about providing for children, can you perhaps share how daycare is better for children than their mother staying at home? This should be fun. When doing this fun task be sure to note that children that stay at home with their mother have lower mental illness rates.


Besides, I don't get how it is everyone's responsibility to ensure you have daycare for your children, the worker benefits you want, and getting paid for not working. You claim that my motivation should be to have a more productive population, but to be frank I don't really care to have that, really. I would prefer women stay at home, not be productive in the workplace, so your reasoning does nothing for me.  


And third world nations and first world nations provide their population with healthcare. Of course, nations haven't categorized by the words first world or third world for decades. 


@Anonymous: If she wants free daycare and paid leave she can find people willing to provide it for her, not mooch off the government. 

Besides, the question was over these things being called infrastructure by the white house when they're factually not. 


@Green Puffin: He had a functioning society where women stayed at home before feminism. Why would I need to provide women anything in order to promote what I want? The idea that all taxpayers should be forced to pay for peoples daycare to promote a traditional society is absurd. 


For that matter, if the woman is staying at home, why in the f*uck does she need daycare?


I don't see why society needs to provide financial benefits to parents. Seems more like a something people want and not something they need. 


Men. You know, the same people that were doing those things before feminism. lol


Is there even evidence that free daycare and paid leave actually causes birth rates to go up? No, in fact the birth rate with these programs in place the birth rate just keeps going down. Not only are these programs empower the very feminist society I hate, but they do nothing to resolve the birth rate problem caused by feminism.  


If services like public schools and fire departments can be infrastructure, I don't see why day care can't be.

Echo Chamber2021-04-08T13:39:06Z

Absolutely, the most efficient way to fix the current problem of parenting is to incentivize traditional nuclear families, and give tax breaks to families with one full-time working parent. It really is a no-brainer that women should be the ones to stay home and take care of the children. Not only because they are naturally equipped for that role, but because women have diluted the workforce, and have caused incomes to crash.

This is a logical, historical way to look at the problem. Anything against this position only comes from a reliance of emotion. And that NEVER solved ANY problem.

Green Puffin2021-04-08T10:04:39Z

It's about time that Government admitted that without the financial sacrifices that parents make to ensure that the next generation of every society, ie our children, received financial benefits.  What's the point of giving up paid work to bring up the next generation, if you can't afford to put a roof over their heads, pay for healthy food, to keep them fit and healthy etc...

Bill, you don't make any sense to me, on the one hand you want Mother's to stay out of paid work and stay home to bring up their children and on the other hand you don't want to financially award these full time parents, for staying home.  Are you trying to punish people that become parents, ie keeping them on one salary alone, scrimping and saving and constantly worrying how they'll find the money to pay the mortgage and bills etc...

If Governments want a functioning and fairer society, they need to provide financial benefits to parents that either share childcare, by working part time outside the home or providing free Childcare places, to ensure workers return to the Work Force after childbirth..

Who will do the work that women usually do, ie care for the Elderly, Nursing, early years Teaching etc, if they are being forced to stay home to care for their young children?


No its not infrastructure but its still important. 


You've been watching Fox again. I saw them push that lie about how 9% of the bill was about COVID. In fact, much of it went to business that had suffered, which allowed them to keep employees and provide services, which certainly benefitted people. Fox just loves to twist the news! BTW, I remember a Fox news correspondent who railed against the Family Leave Act when Clinton passed it. A few years later, she had a baby, and came back to work talking about how ridiculously short 6 weeks leave was, and how mothers should have more paid time off. 
I don't care what you call it- providing children with better early childhood experiences will pay off with a better educated, more productive populace, and we'll all benefit from that. Why do conservatives so desperately want the US to resemble 3rd world countries rather than other economically strong, 1st world countries, who all provide access to healthcare and paid maternity leave to all citizens?

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