Why does my husband smack me?

My husband slaps me all the time. Never on my face. Today I kept asking him for help because I thought I put the remote in the washing machine with my sheets and it was too heavy for me to pick up. He got mad that I kept asking him for help and smacked me on my back when he saw me. It hurts and I always retaliate by hitting him back. Why does he do this?


Because you not only tolerate it but you hit back. So now you've established a dynamic where smacking is acceptable. 


Introduce into your sexual activity, that way at least you'll begin to enjoy it.


He enjoys you retaliating, something he is going to report in order to get you arrested.


cause hes mean, i would dump him and tell the police what hes doing


Are you seriously this empty headed?  You are being abused if you are being hit in any way on any part of your body.  Its not okay.  You hitting him back is just continuing to reinforce his nasty behavior.  Why would you put up with abuse from any man?   Abusive people get worse over time...its not love.  If this is at all a real situation (and not some trolling joke), you need to make a plan to leave or get into counseling immediately.  Its not a good marriage if your spouse is continually physically abusive and not willing to stop.

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