Can someone explain how the new Georgia voter Laws suppress voting?

Prove it to me and I'll Register as a Democrat.


Please, do read the voter laws posted here; if not, Google the new laws on your own and get back to me!
Peace, brothers!


total B.S.
How many days can you vote in Georgia before Official Election Day?
Why is it hard to register to vote?
You have 78 days to request an absentee ballot; which should ONLY be granted to folks OUT of the U.S. on election day!


Favorite Answer

No, I cannot, seems no one else can with any veracity either. 


Simply put, it makes it harder to register to vote, to vote by mail, to vote by absentee (as all overseas service-members MUST do), and to vote if you have to wait in a line.  I don't care if you register as a Democrat or not but it is clear that Georgia Republicans do not want to make things easy.