What if I don't want a job? Is that wrong?


As long as you don't expect other people to grow and pay for your food, build and pay for your housing, generate and provide your utilities, make and provide you with clothing, and entertain you all for free while you sit on your dead lazy a--- and party your life away while people like me work for 45 years to provide you with a life of luxury , no its not wrong to be a useless lazy sack of sh--.

So if you on a lottery then by all means be a useless worm and hang out doing nothing. Otherwise get off your aztec and get a job like everyone else, or stave to death.   I don't care which you choose.


become a stripper


Not wrong unless you want to starve.


Even cavemen had jobs... hunters ran around after animals for hours then carried the carcass back. Gatherers spent hours picking up edibles then carried them back. What do you think happened to cavemen that didnt want to do any job?


Yes I need to try and leave etc and not overthink . Some people actually think someone is worried gold when all life finished etc 

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