If you live in L.A. County, is it ok to crash at high speeds if you don't hurt anyone, and they don't test your blood despite previous DUIs?


It seems quite laid back, maybe I'll move there.

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T23:52:30Z

Is it OK to crash at high speed?  Generally it is seen as a bad idea.  Many people die like this.  Personally if I had to crash into a tree I would sooner dent a bumper at 10km per hour than ram a driver's door into it at 200 km/hr.


Only if you happen to be the kind of celebrity Sheriff Villanueva looks up to, aka a professional athlete. But just know if you die in that crash his Deputies will be posting pics of your dead celebrity body by third watch. 

Pearl L2021-04-07T21:33:40Z

i dont think so, the police might pick you up


It just depends on who you are.


So what you are saying every accident should be a blood test?

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