Why do a lot of people still marry with in their own race?!?

Why do they think "Birds of the same feather.." why not "Same = Boring"??! Are a lot of people subconsciously racist or something??! I know that it CAN'T be because of they're more comfortable with their own kind/culture, because well guess what?! We live in an AMERICAN culture!! 

I would have just liked to see more race mixing that's all and I heard there are scientific benefits to the children when that does occur! 

So any thoughts?! 

Pearl L2021-04-07T21:31:40Z

Favorite Answer

ive known people that married interracially


Let people marry who they want. Forcing people together is not a good solution.


It’s average for people to be coupled to other people of same races because they
have the same racial appearances and human development indexes. They being
couples represent mutual adaptations that made their physical existences original
and possible. When people partake in interracial procreations, they create racially
mixed people who more likely to have identity issues or cause relation problems.


mainly because, scientifically, there is just one race of humans

Also, many other species never get old enough to consent and beastiality is gross


The bulk of "American culture" came from White people in Europe.

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