Repubs can announce voting rights restriction; can Biden announce gun rights restriction?


@The First Dragon - false.  Your name must match exactly in all govt databases for you to vote in Georgia.

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T23:44:30Z

The difference is that in America the right to vote is not protected.  The right to carry a gun is.  That is why no one in their right mind considers that America is, or ever has been, a democracy.  Individual states MIGHT be democratic but again it is optional not compulsory.


Do you mean restrictions like having to show an ID to exercise it? 

- Been There, Done That...Now how about a little Quid Pro Quo for Voter ID.

The First Dragon2021-04-07T21:46:41Z

Uh, you have to be a citizen and alive and over 18 to vote legally.  You only have to be alive and over 18 to buy a gun legally.  


The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the constitution.

There is no right to stuff the ballot box.

Nice try, though.  Grow up, jackass.


That's a bad trade.  Voting rights are fundamental.  Restricting voting is an act of violence.

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