Now that Ford is leaving for Mexico again, how many other corporations will follow under the Democrat's threat of corporate tax increases?

Today's Democratic party has to be full of the dumbest people in history:
"The letter stated that Ford is reneging on its agreement to build a “next-generation vehicle” at the Avon Lake plant in 2023.In 2019, the UAW says Ford promised to invest $900 million in a new project at the Avon Lake plant that was set to begin production in 2023. The agreement also included a “complete revitalization” of the facility, according to WKYC 3News."


Gloria, not having an lQ high enough to understand economics is definitely the DEMOCRAT way.


xx))au, it is a new development. They made an agreement with Trump. You media refused to tell you about that.


Anonymous coward, Snoipes is lying to you. These job were for 2023. But won't be now.


LOL @ socialist feminist. Sorry you don't understand what taxes do to companies. But then, that's why you're an ldiot socialist.


Ford have factories all over the world. If it's more profitable for them to open a factory in Mexico than in the USA, they will. Corporations have no loyalty to countries. They only have loyalty to making money for their share holders. You also seem to forget that Trump is now irrelevant, so any agreement with him is also irrelevant.

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T23:35:58Z

They were propped up for a while but if you have tax cuts a la Trump then you either have to cut services or increase taxes elsewhere.  But he advocated spending MORE on the military.  So where did the money come from?  The dumbest people in history thought that a corporate owner come president cared one whit about the people or about reality.


Ford already sources its vehicles from factories in other countries. 
This is not new its just an adjustment.

Ford is not the first business to announce one thing and do another.   

In my country (Australia) we are told that our conditions are unreasonable (expensive) while our wages are to high we should be like you guys in the US.

Yet while you work for half our wages and half our annual leave,  big business still wants more.  They say we should be like some third world countries,  the workers are working for $30 a 12 hour day,  yet their boss wants even more from them.  

If your suggesting the change of president drove this,  you are a fool. 
Big business don't make decision like this overnight, it takes years of planing.

Its not political, its corporate greed. 

Socialist Feminist2021-04-07T22:31:02Z

Blame capitalism, not corporate tax increases.  If workers owned Ford, they couldn't move their factories to Mexico.

Pearl L2021-04-07T22:19:39Z

you'll just have to wait and see

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