What state has the most problems with illegal aliens?


kswck2 what's your state?

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T23:33:01Z

I think the MOON has the greatest problem with illegal aliens.  America kept sending men to the moon without bothering with an interplanetary passport or a moon visa. This was truly alien life on the moon illegally.


Probably Texas does.


All of them, biden is shipping them out everywhere just like Obama did, you demlibs voted for this you dumbshlits


The refusal of them to Learn the language. 
My State recently allowed illegals to get drivers licenses. One woman, interviewed on TV said-Through An Interpreter- that she was 'Finally' able to get a drivers license-after 28 YEARS. 

Classy n Sassy2021-04-07T22:30:31Z

Undocumented immigrants are doing the jobs Chad and Todd don't want, so that is not a problem. It's a solution!

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