Are deli cuts or pre-packaged lunch meats better?


They are both terrible for you. Extremely high in sodium which is bad for your heart. Most people who eat a lot of cold cuts or submarine sandwiches don’t live that long.


I'd say fresh deli cuts if your'e having them that day or the day after.
Pre-packed ones have their place too, as you can keep them handy in the fridge and they tend to have preservatives to make them last longer. 


Fresh meat is much better than the pre packaged one as pre packaged meat contains a lot of preservatives like high salt content or large quantity of oil in the tin. So just opening that and eating might not be desirable to eat by some.


Some pre packaged lunch meats, like the Buddig Brand, are the best of the worst. Oscar Meyer, lunch meats, like bologna are the worst of the worst-extremely greasy. 
I prefer deli meats, and only those cut in front of me. In some parts of the US, they will cut them in front of you, in other parts, they will slice the entire thing and just dump the pile into the deli case-to dry out.

Tj Punk2021-04-07T22:57:24Z

pre-packaged lunch meats are better

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