How do I stop having feelings for my ex and get feelings for my new GF instead? ?

I feel like a bad person because my ex treated me badly, but I have been with her so long I still got feels. The woman I'm seeing now wants to be together forever and I love her sentiment and she hasn't hurt me like the ex, but I haven't formed an attachment yet, I told her tonight I felt bad for leaving my ex and feel like I've betrayed her for another woman. I feel like crap. 


You need to stop dating until you get this together!


So send give her some sweet little gift like a tiny perfume or a couple long stems and tell her how wonderful she is to let you natter on about something that still haunts you NOW AND THEN. The idea is that you communicate that it isn't something that's going to happen again any time soon. If everything else is going well, she will overlook this. Tell her "I need to stay in the here and now with the beauty by my side" or something like that and look at her admiringly. 

Don't phony it up too much dude. She's not stupid.