Why do travel ads only tend to show rich people traveling at exotic luxury resorts?

You never see an ad of the average family traveling and staying at a cheap hotel, it's always at a $1000+ a night beach resort of the top of the line cruise ship, renting a convertible Audio or luxury car to drive in




would an add with a bunch of dungers rolling up to a budget motel in a shitbox sell you anything?


It's to make people feel like they could have a taste of the good life if they went to this magical-looking place and splurged a bit. Admit it, you want to go there because it looks better than where you are now.


a) WRONG FORUM. You should be asking in the Advertising and Marketing forum in the Business category. 
b) Bad English usage. Something can "only show", or it can "tend to show", but it cannot "only tend to show." IT has to be either one or the other. It's about the same as saying "I'm just about pregnant", 
C) YOU'VE MADE A FALSE GENERALIZATION. Obviously you haven't seen that many travel ads, or you only look at them on very limited venues. Case in point: https://www.uncovercolorado.com/colorado-state-park-cabin-yurt-rentals/

Pearl L2021-04-09T04:10:21Z

maybe cause they think they'll get more people travelling that way