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    Would you drive an electric car if it got 100,000 miles without recharging but you have to replace the battery?

    It costs $2000 to replace battery pack every 100k miles.

    14 Answers2 weeks ago
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    What can I do to keep myself entertained in traffic ?

    Favorite Answer:

    I would get a motorcycle and split the lane. Motorcycles are fun and I enjoyed riding for 20 years. One time, I needed to go 20 miles away during rush hour and on the return trip, passed the same cars that were still in the jam. Maybe there's a commuter train you could take and read the newspaper or watch youtube every day.

    11 Answers2 weeks ago
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    How do I commute to college if I only have my learner's permit?

    I'll be attending college in 4 months. Problem is, I JUST got my Learner's Permit, and in my state, you have to have your Learner's Permit for a year to be able to take the Driving Exam. At the college, I need to have a Driver's license to park my car there. Well, I can't do that. So how do I commute to college?

    10 Answers4 weeks ago
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    How many days a week of working in person would you consider moving closer to the job instead of commuting?

    Favorite Answer:

    It wold depend on your situation.

    Throughout my career (and many moves) I've lived 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 32, 52 and 90 miles from work.

    FYI:  The further away you live the less likely they'll ask you to come in for some lame excuse on the weekend.

    At one of the places I worked if they called me in on an unscheduled day of work (weekend or day off) for even 10 minutes they had to pay me time and a half for 4 hours of work...and I went home after the 10 minutes too.  ; ' )

    7 Answers1 month ago
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    are major roadways still pretty empty during rush hour times? why? how depends?

    Favorite Answer:

    They are back to normal here but I have no idea what they are like in other states.

    4 Answers1 month ago
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    Did someone who kept asking about transit bus year and metrorail years vs calendar years have a disability?

    a) yes

    b) no

    When you answer, can you give me an explanation?

    5 Answers1 month ago
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    How far above the speed limit is safe to drive?

    Favorite Answer:

    They do 140 on the Autobahn. So, sky is the limit with a car built for it, ideal conditions, no curves, no other traffic.

      In a practical sense, I don't  speed in the cage. Dont need a Ticket.

     I do 5 mph over posted on my 'sickle.  Or, motor lugs.  80 on the freeway is actually safer (Our max limit is 75), as, the faster, the more inertia and gyroscopic precession. Accelerating into a curve produces centrifugal force,   pushing  tires down. Cops here don't chase bikers Unless Real  stupid. These are usual Ninja riding 20 yos.

    11 Answers2 months ago
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    Is it going to be hard to get a driver’s license if your parents won’t let you practice driving ?

    Favorite Answer:

    If you don't have a licensed friend to help you learn to drive you need to find a drivers ED company to hire to teach you to drive.

    6 Answers2 months ago
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    Should I commute to my university 40 minutes away or dorm?

    A commute of 40 minutes does not include traffic or time to find parking. 

    5 Answers2 months ago
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    Why are there so many drug addicts who are on public transportation?

    Everytime I ride on the metro rail or the public city bus, there is always some guy strung out on drugs on the bus talking to himself or acting like he is completely unaware of what is happening. Why are they taking public transit in the first place if they just took drugs? It's like they just did drugs and decided to go on the bus, where are they trying to go? They can't even function...

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    Is there a way to plan a trip showing speed limits of the route?

    This summer the family has a vacation going from western Washington to Wyoming. I am using google maps and it says its about a14.5 hour trip. But I'll be towing a pop up trailer and will only travel 60-65mph. So assuming that speed is slower than the posted speed limit, naturally it'll take longer than that 14.5 hours. But I dont know how much longer. Anyone know of a way to plan a trip that shows all major route speed limits? 

    8 Answers2 months ago
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    Whose fault was this?

    I was driving along in my lane today and out of nowhere a driver from the opposite lane pulled out from his lane (opposite side of the road) to get round the driver in front of them. It nearly caused a head to head collision. Luckily I was able to get his number plate. He didn't even bother to apologize after he just stuck his middle finger up at me a shouted some insults at me. I am 19. 

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    How do people work in Canada?

    Favorite Answer:

    Northern states and Canada DOTs and drivers are prepared for frequent and heavy snow (real snow tires, and chains in trunk if needed for cars and much better and many more snow plows and many more snow blowers to keep the roads clear).  Mid-Atlantic rarely has snow that even needs plows and I have only seen a snowblower on the interstate once in the last 35 years and it was brought in for a very heavy back to back snow event in the mid-90s (US Gov't in DC was closed for a week for that unusual event).

    10 Answers3 months ago
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    I need to rent a car for a month but not sure how to get there without paying for a taxi?

    I am renting a car about 100 miles away at an airport location. But no one can give me a ride so a taxi would cost $150 one way. But that's way too much since I can barely afford to rent. There is a closer location of 25 miles bit their rates are double! So what should I do? Drive my car there (not really in condition to travel far) and leave it street parked and return twice a week to move it so I don't get parking ticket for street cleaning? Or any other suggestions?

    6 Answers3 months ago