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    My mom doesn’t take my mental health seriously?

    Hi, I’m Kayla and I’m 19. About 2 months ago I got out of an emotional and physically abusive relationship that’s left me with severe anxiety and depression. I moved back in with my parents hoping to get some support and never did. It’s like they still don’t even know I’m here. They said they’ll be here when I’m ready to talk but the thing is.... I CANT. I tried to talk to my mom about it and all she said was they it just runs in the family and we all have “those days“ and continued to make it about her. I didn’t get any emotional support at all. Never did growing up. Anyways, I finally got the courage after a month to set an appointment with my GP.

    A few days later, my mom comes asking me for money for rent knowing I’m not working and can’t find a job because my anxiety is really bad. I told her I didn’t have it. And that I am trying to pay for my medical costs right now... and then she continues to ask me the next day for at least half. I spoke to my dad about her struggling and he asked me when I’m getting a job and I couldn’t answer, and he said that they both wanted to have a talk with me about my anxiety and I feel like my mental health is only convenient to them when they need something. I’m not trying to get off topic but my question is am I overreacting? Should I be helping with rent right now since I moved back in? I just feel like I’m not being taken seriously whatsoever and now I feel like a failure because I can’t help them.

    12 Answers2 years ago
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    If I’m in a psychiatric ward, and I yelled to my psychiatrist that I’m a communist, what would happen?

    Favorite Answer:

    He would tell you that you are in the right place.

    8 Answers2 years ago