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Anonymous asked in Dining OutGermanyDusseldorf · 6 months ago

Can you live without AC? Don't worry... gov't will turn if off so that millions will die in the heat of summer...?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Yes i o0nly use my Air Con when the Temperature reaches 38 degrees C

  • Not given how hot and humid it's become.

  • 6 months ago

    No, I wouldn't be able to. Even though our heat doesn't last a very long time in Northern NY, it still becomes unbearable when it's even 80*F inside of a building when you're used to it being 68-70*F. I start to feel sick if I get too hot. I'd much rather deal with the cold than the heat. I would never be able to live in the south.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 months ago

    I didn't turn the a/c on until the end of July this year and then through most of August.  I also only run it for about 12 hours a day during that time.  Could I live without a/c?  Probably, but to preserve the life of the refrigerator and other appliances, as well as my own sanity, I think it's best to run it. 

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  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    No, I can't. Temp goes well over 100 in my place, and it becomes unbearable. Also, because of COVID, there are no stations to go to in the city when the heat is oppressive. 

  • F
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    In Scotland we have about 5 days a year when you need a/c and about 200 you need heating. Guess what we spend our money on.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    6 months ago

    glad i dont live in california , the democrats turning of the electricity ...

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Climate control systems in buildings are the number one cause of global climate change. If we want a more stable climate we need to turn off the AC during the summer and the furnaces in the winter. Staying at a comfortable temperature is not something that is natural.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Many people live without AC.  Don't you think it kinda matters where you live?  The Pacific Northwest rarely needs AC.  The Valley of the Sun (Phoenix area) really needs AC. 

  • Dze
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    mine went out and i had to order a part awhile back .. i wasnt a happy camper lol .. i have some big fans in my garage i moved in the house that helped, but the humidity was just ugh ..

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